Sustainable batteries in Mobility


EMPOWER (Sustainable Batteries in Mobility - (Em)powering a Net-zero Energy Transition) is an interdisciplinary project with a strong educational component funded by UiO: Energy. The key objective of EMPOWER is to develop an encompassing long-term strategy for sustainable electric vehicle (EV) batteries in Norway.


WP1. Towards a sustainable EV battery life cycle.

WP2. Materials and technologies for sustainable EV batteries in a circular economy.

WP3. Consumers & Producers: Determinants of preferences.

WP4. A legal framework for sustainable batteries in mobility.

WP5. Modelling: Sustainable EV batteries in future net-zero energy systems.

WP6. EMPOWER to Educate: Co-designed research and education.

The further aim of EMPOWER is to understand and shape the role of EV batteries in enabling a zero-emission energy system/mobility sector in Norway, which includes 6 integrated workpackages (WPs). See list on the left.


Sustainability Lab  contributes particularly to WP1, led by Professor Maja Van Der Velden, e.g., by providing a sustainability framework for EMPOWER, with particular focus on the EV battery life cycle and future battery use. WP1 takes an integrative approach to support the creation of a common language in the project, strengthening collaboration among all WPs and enabling interdisciplinary outcomes. It uses a regulatory ecology perspective, a systems approach to investigating the interactions between four modes of regulation: the design and architecture of batteries (WP2), the laws and directives regulating batteries (WP4), the market of mobility batteries (new and second-life ones) (WP3), and social norms of battery use, now and in the future (WP1, WP3 & WP5). Informed by the EV battery life cycle, the WP1 will also involve youth in designing and exploring future sustainable transport solutions (WP6).